
Contact information

Terra-Team Oy

Juvan teollisuuskatu 16
FI-02920 ESPOO



Tel. +358 9 849 4030

e-mail: info@terra-team.fi
personal e-mail: firstname.lastname@terra-team.fi


We are at your disposal on weekdays from 7:00 to 16:00.


Please note our exceptional opening hours:


18.4. - 21.4.2025      Closed (Easter)

1.5.2025                    Closed (May Day)

29.5.2025                 Closed (Ascension)

24.12. - 28.12.          Closed (Christmas)

01.01.2026               Closed (New Year's Day)

06.01.2026               Closed (Epiphany)




Land and rock foundation surveying equipment

Jari Rajalin  

Tel. +358-9-8494 0350
Mobile +358-500 817 001


Jani Ihanainen 

Tel. +358-9-8494 0340
Mobile +358-500 464 568





Construction Tools

Esa Vennola 

Western Finland, Tampere region,
Northern Finland, Lapland
Tel. +358-9-8494 0363
Mobile +358-500 707 154

Janne Kaste 

Southwest Finland, Satakunta
Tel. +358-9-8494 0330
Mobile +358-500 447 463



Marko Vuorenmaa 

Eastern Finland, Central Finland
Mobile +358-40 357 6993

Erno Lahti 

Greater Helsinki area, Häme region
Mobile +358-50 339 0369










Dehaco Demolition equipment

Esa Vennola 

Tel. +358-9-8494 0363
Mobile +358-500 707 154

Erno Lahti 

Mobile +358-50 339 0369




Managing Director

Jari Rajalin  

Tel. +358-9-8494 0350
Mobile +358-500 817 001


Rita Kujala

Tel. +358-9-8494 0333







Saana Sandberg

Tel. +358-9-8494 0399


Mika Vennola  

Tel. +358-9-8494 0365

Mobile +358-50 432 5683

Asko Ahtola 

Tel. +358-9-8494 0360